Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bodog BOTB Day 2--The Afternoon

Originally Posted by Derrick Espadas

Oh my goodness this was a long day.

Things started off well, with one of my favorite acts of the day, Summit Dux. The three piece, piano driven, lounge act was quite impressive providing a unique sound for the day and handling technical difficulties as if they didn't even occur. Then, The Hardways took the stage. The female fronted rockabilly/punk outfit delivered exactly what you would expect. The performance exuded attitude to make up for the lack of technical skill or originality. Tucson's One Eye Open followed. They greatly reminded me of a Las Vegas lounge's not bad, and hell, I might even enjoy it when I'm drunk...but I would never seek it out, or even mind that it disappeared.

Next up, Poor Kids Without Cable. A very generic alternative metal band who's backup singer is far more talented than the lead singer. Consider getting rid of the lead singer and the band might become interesting, or at least tolerable. Flight To London is a six-piece radio friendly emo and much in the style of Panic At The Disco and Fall Out Boy, but without the interesting structure changes, and with keyboard player that obviously forgot to take his antisiezure medication.

Bomber...oh wow, it's a Metallica cover band (St. Anger Metallica). They even covered Metallica covering Motorhead. Now that's just talent. I hope you can smell the sarcasm.

Doomsday least these guys sound like early Metallica.

AG Session is pop punk trio that sounds like Blink 182 meets Sid Popple (yeah, I don't know what that means either). I'm just glad that they were having fun. Soulafide came on stage and announced their innovation in genre melding. I got bad. Not so innovative, and just obnoxious and untechnical.

Less Than Famous. Look kids, first of all you knew what the rules were, so stop crying that you didn't have 2 hours to set up, and that the Evian wasn't at a perfect 32 degrees. With your unprofessional attitude, you will always be...Less Than Famous. Musically, the 6 piece (although it seemed like a 100) Flyleaf imitators spent more time jumping around stage and posing then they did writing their songs. Fortunately, it does seem that they are perfectly poised to gain that Hot Topic sponsorship, since I think they were wearing everything in the store.

I then got very hungry. I don't know if I was distracted by my hunger, or just really bored with the bands.

Incide...I think I remember you long hair.
East of Eden a gimmicky screamo band.

Who moved on?
Flight To London
Summit Dux
Less Than Famous
One Eye Open
The Hardways

This is where I ate my chicken strips and hoped that it would get better.

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